Gay seniors, looking for low-income retirement housing, will be able to stay at the Encore House in Hollywood when construction is completed in 2006. A news radio broadcast recently reported this is one of the nation's first retirement homes dedicated to serving the gay community.
But what if you're not gay and want to live there? Will they discriminate against you? "They're not going to discriminate against heterosexual people," said a reporter, "the only requirement is that you have to be tolerant."
Whether or not the reporter accurately represented the facility's policy is irrelevant. What's noteworthy is the reporter's comment. It represents confused thinking.
While the claim is that the senior housing facility will not discriminate, a careful observer will notice the discriminatory language: "you have to be tolerant." One discrimination they make is between those who agree with homosexuality and those who don't. Those who disagree can't stay at the residence. This means the facility will discriminate against people ? people who aren?t "tolerant."
Pro-gay groups are often made to look like the good-guys, the champions of tolerance and non-discriminatory attitudes. But they're only tolerant and non-discriminatory with those who agree with them.