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« Telling the Truth | Main | Discovering a Lost Virtue »

March 03, 2006


This sounds like a fantastic idea. Not only does it give them a fairly safe means of hashing out their views, but it also serves to grant Christians some goodwill amongst nonbelievers accustomed to the marketplace of ideas (e.g. schools, talk radio [KFI- shameless plug]).

I would like to offer some tips I've learned from engaging the community:

1. Make the issue the issue, and you won't have need for anger or emotional outbursts.

2. There are many showboats out there. If possible, choose only to engage a showboat in a forum which imposes upon you both a high degree of restriction to addressing a single point at a time. Attempt to develop the skill to create such a forum. But this is not always possible.

3. Many people have argued your point in the past, in one form or another: not having an answer at the moment does not mean that there isn't an answer, so it's OK to admit when you believe your point just may be flawed. And say you'll be back with an answer if you find one.

I'd advise any and every young person to simply avoid attending Berkley college at any time. Not only is the worldview extraordinarily hostile to Christianty, but the teaching is questionable and the academic standards are problematic. Surely you can find better ways to spend your money that don't involve attending this place.

The things you listed might be all the more reason to go to Berkley, assuming the student is prepared and willing.

I guess I'm thinking that young impressionable minds looking for an education should find an institution that will give them this. I'm looking at Universities more as places of higher learning than mission fields, and the young people who attend them as students, not evangelists. When they've got their education and know what they are doing, great - hit the world. But people have to be prepared before they go to battle, and an 18-year old simply is not.

Good thoughts. I suppose there are advantages to both. Personally, I'm looking for a college with some of the top chrisitian minds and ideas, and then going back into a "mission field" of sorts.

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