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« 2800 Miles Too Far Away | Main | Telling the Truth »

March 02, 2006


Absolutely OT: the webmaster must set links to open in a new window! This infinite regress which happens when clicking links in the blog starts to have an M.C. Escher type of feel to it.



O.k., now that my rant is over: Brett, this is fantastic. I've recently been given greater teaching responsibilities at my church and I am going to "totally bite your style" (as the yutes ("What's a yute?") say) and try to arrange something like this in NYC. Completly brilliant and balanced.

Please give more info on what you did with the students before hand (e.g., did you prep them in any way for the atheists or see what would happen "out of the box"?), did you do debriefings following presentations?

Thank you so much for this.

Excellent idea! Looking forward to reading more about the trip.

I wonder if the Unitarian Universalist noted that they aren't Christian and reject most of orthodox Christianity.

This sounds great, maybe you could (in the future) set up a summer "University" of sorts where parents from tiny towns (such as the middle of nowhere in Kansas)can send their kids the summer before they go off to college since those kinds of resources would be difficult to find where I live. I think I've read of a similar school where they are taught apologetics but not with that much face-to-face contact with the non-Christian ideas.

What a great idea!

Brett, is there any way someone who is NOT part of one of the youth groups participating in this kind of activity could have an opportunity to prepare for and undertake such a trip? My son's youth leader doesn't seem interested in this kind of approach.

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