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« False Hope in ESCR | Main | Questionable Stats »

March 08, 2006


Thanks, Brett, for this series of posts. They've been really encouraging. After working in college ministry for 8 years at a secular university, I know the kind of preparedness Christian students need to have in order to stand firm and to to have the courage to defend and share the truth.

While I do believe it's important to innoculate students against the arguments of atheism, it seems equally, if not more, important to train them to think through what I believe is the dominant view on the college campus, and that is that all of our major religions essentially teach the same things (at the core) and are all valid paths to God. In my experience, atheism is a minority view among college students. It seems that the majority won't accept Christ as the only way, but they have no problem with Christ as one of the ways among many to God/salvation. Of course, many of the arguments are the same from atheists and from those who reject the exclusive claims of Christianity.

Anyhow, thanks for your heart to strengthen the minds and faith of our youth and for the example you're setting.

I wonder what this guy does with the Cosmological argument, a proof that for centuries has been unanswerable by any rational person. It is an argument which common sense, science, and logic all demand to be true.

Or, to put it like R.C. Sproul does:
If there ever was nothing... what wouuld there be now?

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