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September 28, 2006


"Deeds not creeds." Hmm... That looks an awful lot like a creed.

"Deeds not creeds." Hmm... That looks an awful lot like a creed.

Uhm yes, obviously it is a mini-creed. And also, if you look at the original Latin meaning of the word creed or credo, it means, "I believe".

This was a great mini blog in that it addresses what many Christians view nowadays as the missio dei, that is the mission of God.

Social justice seems to be a by-product of the fruits of the Holy Spirit as we first spread the Gospel news. Deeds should never be the major impetus for Chrisitianity as not only would it be theologically wrong, but it creates the false impression that we can please God with our works, which is not so. Only because of our faith, which is a gift from God,can we please the Almighty.

Of course, there is only one creed: the New Testament. Anything else would be additions to God's Word by the sinful.

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