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October 27, 2006


cool - thanks for that

Thank you very much for your kind and valuable guidance.

I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I hope that the majority of your readers pay careful attention to your words and wisdom especially when dealing with other's feelings and concerns. Too often, we (collectively) get caught up in our own selves and lose sight of those we truly love.

Words to live by... I couldn't have said it better. I blog politically, and after setting up my new blog, I haven't [fortunately] haven't had to deal with some of the [well...] "dissagreeable" personalities out there as yet, you give saged advice based on solid biblical teaching.

This is quite helpful, thanks.

Thank you, Melinda. I was in your class and am a "newbie" to the world of blogging so this message was most especially taken to heart.

Thanks. I'll be checking my blog against your ideas.

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