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July 05, 2007



I just finished this book and found it very helpful as a readable overview of some of the most influential thinkers in church history (even if it did perpetuate the false story of Luther throwing an inkwell at the devil). My only quibble (other than a slight bias perceptible in the epilogue and his section on Schleiermacher) is that Hill is not always very precise or even sometimes wholly accurate in his representations, but overall he treats theologians and their theologies fairly, and you do get a good sense of the general flow of Christian thought.

Not to be too prideful here, but this just isn't an issue for the Holy Orthodox Church, owing to the glorious calendar that is filled with a minimum of thrwo saints a day, plus the Feasts and Fasts of the Church and Gospel + Epistle readings. St Nikolai made things so nice when he published the Prolgue of Ochrid which is a compilation of saints lives that meshes with the Chruch calendar. Of course, this is what happens when holy tradition is kept and not thrown out the windo! Glad to see that you are starting to want it back.
Wishing my brothers and sisters in the Protestant church could know the same joy, as we ask Venerable Thomas and Eudoxia for their prayers this day!

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