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« He's Baaack! | Main | Blessed Are Disciples »

January 01, 2009


This is what it sounds like, when doves AARP

Farmers don't use the calendar to tell them when the last frost comes: it can come at different times each year and doesn't occur along an objective, spatially-imagined temporal plane (exact dates, days, hours, minutes, etc.). To know when the first or last frost requires a developed and skillful sensitivity to mereological information and the calendar is a largely arbirtary representation.

While this doesn't invalidate the primary point of the article, it seems to be an interesting slip that probably shows an interesting preferance for a particular understanding of time that contributes to a notion of 'every day is objectively the same as every other day', which is an important backdrop to the modern valuation of certain days over others. Time is measured according to objective, un-situated temporal ticks rather than being punctuated by historically situated events around which the un-situated notion of time is then abstractly built. But perhaps I'm the only one interested in this... :o)

I think that Linton's piece (or at least the above-quoted portion) is very insightful. How does the popularity of Thanksgiving fit in with his theory? I've heard many people say that they love it because it hasn't been commercialized too much.

'“Christendom” was very much Christian, and the calendar made that pretty clear.'

For example, today is Woden's Day and tomorrow will be Thor's Day

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