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« I Walked up to a Planned Parenthood Employee... | Main | What to Make of Rob Bell's Theology »

April 17, 2009


Love it already.

Someone at work today brought up the question of "Which church should I attend?" as an example of how far we've come from the unified body described in Ephesians. Seemingly every new generation of Christians feels compelled to invent a new denomination that crystallizes their personal view of THE Church. So they subdivide and branch off into a fresh new way of meeting and praising and applying the word.

More denominational varieties, with more and increasingly subtler differences in format and methodology seems not to be in the spirit of Jesus' prayer in John 17 that, "They may be one, as we are one." (Also, "May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me," v 23.)

In answer to the question, "What is God's will for me regarding which church I attend?" the answer cannot be, "He wills me to create a more authentic format."

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