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« Is the Canon Reliable? | Main | Ehrman Misquoting Ehrman »

July 28, 2010


A Bible to suit my interests, not changing my interests to match the Bible. That's convenient!

Well said. And I agree with your point about study Bibles. One of my favorite, the ESV Study Bible, as good as it is, is not shy about imposing its view and asserting things that are not in the text. As for reading the Bible as a whole, I'd almost go so far as to say do away with chapter and verse numbering. It's helpful, but overall I think it contributes to a lot of abuse.

The site about the Poverty and Justice Bible says it's highlighting some passages. This is probably something the Horse Bible does too (Really? A Horse Bible?). These don't sound as bad a sticking your own name everywhere. It's sounds a lot like the Red Letter Bibles, where the words directly attributed to Jesus are printed in red. It seems a bit …inefficient (?) to publish a new edition for each particular thing someone wants to highlight.

What would be cool is something like a Kindle version of the Bible where people could write add-ons that highlight a particular set of lines. Then you could have the same text, but select different highlighting schemes. While some of these would just be oddities, like horses, other sets could be very informative. Competing interpretations could be compared by switching between the highlighting of the passages seen as important. For example, different views of end times could be represented by different highlighting schemes, with each highlighting the passages they believe to be supportive of their view. Then you can read the text in its full context with these passages highlighted to see which view makes the most sense.

Now that I think of it, this might already be supported. I don't own a Kindle, but I know they support annotations of texts. If these annotation sets can be shared, then there could already be a supply of annotations along these lines for various Bible translations, as well as other texts. Google, here I come.

What would be REALLY cool is a Bible in electronic format that allows me to cut, copy, paste, make changes, deletions and updates, put verses I like in larger or bold font, or highligted bright yellow.

That way, I could personalize my Bible to my heart's content and make it something that's meaningful to Me, Me, Me!


There is that already. I have an ASCII text version of the KJV. I'm sure other translations are out there if you search enough. Open with your favorite word processor, and off you go.

It's just a gimmick to sell more Bibles. I mean seriously--what could be easier? Maybe I should publish my own edition of the Bible, highlighting every place that mentions a bow, a quiver, or arrows. It might be a big hit with my archery friends.

Jim Wallis will be all over this Bible - he turned is Bible into this version a long time ago. I wonder if John 12:8 will be highlighted?

Melinda, you said,

Some study Bibles are helpful to that end. Most of these special editions just reinforce bad habits of mishandling the Scriptures.

Which of the two do you think this particular one be (if you had to guess)?


I wonder if John 12:8 will be highlighted?

Prooftexting in the comments about a post dedicated to the dangers of prooftexting for the win!

My guess is prooftexting and taking verses out of context - lifting groups of verses out of context - to nightlight purportedly "God [single] passion." Sounds to me like it highlights a message, an important message, out of proportion to the entire context of Scripture. I don't think this one duty should be highlighted to the exclusion or minimizing other duties or the overarching message of the Bible of God's reconciliation of man to Himself through Jesus.

A Creation Bible highlighting all the passages dealing with creation -- there are loads of them outside of Genesis -- would interest me. A Prophecy Bible would be interesting. Add in commentary by experts and these Bibles would pack a whollup. When I read through the Bible, I often do with a certain theme in mind.

"If you can't get the people to conform to the Word of God, get the Word of God to conform to the people."

One of the ancients said this once and this is my paraphrase.

I love what Greg said in "The Bible Fast Forward"... People read their Bibles like they look at their high-school yearbooks... "Hey, where am I?"

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