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May 30, 2011


What's the best book you've read that presented the strongest evidence that evolution is true? Jerry Coyne's "Why Evolution is True"?

Your new filming technique is just, so like, emergent? :)

Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery.

The floating, emergent camera is annoying. Paul nailed that one. Stick with a stationary camera -- but getting away from your webcam is definitely an improvement.

I'm recommending Mortimer J. Adler's /How to Read a Book/. I am currently reading it for the third time. This is the most helpful book I have ever encountered for critical thinking skills.

Words That Work : : It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear by Frank I Luntz not Kurtz.

Question for Greg on the other book: If you don't "have a handle' on the book, how do you know it is so good?


I read Coyne's book (Why Evolution is True). It's short, even-handed, and well written. Of course it steers clear of thorny issues, but it's a good read if you want to understand the evolutionary mindset.


What thorny issues do you mean?


Divine conspiracy is always worth another read each year

The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee. A favorite that I must read again and again to help me understand better what Jesus has done.

It is a toss up between G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man. Both outstanding.

J hersey,

Do you mean The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God?


I think that is the one. Its not bad. Joe and Damian have good suggestions too. I'd have to say Mere Christianity by Lewis.

Greg's suggestion, Meyer's The Signature in the Cell is super good though as well. That is one I continually find myself recommending.

My vote for best book has to be Stephen charnocks "existence and attributes of God". A clearer view of and love for the God of the bible eliminates the need for most other books. B. Felker

James, would you say you understand The Signature in the Cell?


If you all could have Greg read one book this year, what would you want him to read?

My vote: "The Freedom of the Will" by Jonathan Edwards

the swinburne trilogy on theism and/or 'the gagging of God' by D.A. Carson.

I highly recommend Mortimer Adler's, How to Read a Book. It's companion, How to Speak, How to Listen is also excellent.

I could cheat and say my Kindle but that is like asking the genie for a million more wishes.
So I won't. I'm sticking with my Chesterton picks. :-))))

Yes, RonH, I would say that.

I also second Sam's suggestion and give two thumbs up to a kindle. In my case, iPad. ^_^


Good. Then maybe you can tell me where is Meyer's idea of information used?

For that matter, what exactly is Meyer's idea of information?


We are a not-for-profit educational organization, founded by Mortimer Adler and we have recently made an exciting discovery--three years after writing the wonderfully expanded third edition of How to Read a Book, Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren made a series of thirteen 14-minute videos--lively discussing the art of reading. The videos were produced by Encyclopaedia Britannica. For reasons unknown, sometime after their original publication, these videos were lost.

Three hours with Mortimer Adler on one DVD. A must for libraries and classroom teaching the art of reading.

I cannot exaggerate how instructive these programs are--we are so sure that you will agree, if you are not completely satisfied, we will refund your donation.

Please go here to see a clip and learn more:

ISBN: 978-1-61535-311-8

Thank you,

Max Weismann

A smaller, more scientific version of Signature in the Cell, is the classic, In The Beginning Was Information, by Dr Werner Gitt.

In it, he lays out 45 scientific theroems (or thera, not sure) about information. Published in 2000, it is very well done, and very convincing, and a little more to the point. You can Google "Werner Gitt", find his web site, and I believe you can still download the book for free.

Oddly, Meyers cites the book in his bibliography, but admitted to me personally that he had not bothered to read the book in writing his own.(?)


The plural of theorem is theoremata, according to the Greek. But that is pretentious- it's now an english word, so theorems is fine.

@RonH, read Dr. Werner Gitt's "In the Beginning Was Information"

...nevermind, I see Wayne already listed it.

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