I've been holding off commenting on the recent announcement that archeologists found the tomb of the Apostle Philip because I couldn't find any detailed information about why they thought it was Philip's tomb; and after seeing certain archeologists jump to later-discredited conclusions a couple times in the past few years (remember the Jesus tomb and the still-controversial bone box?), I thought it best to wait and see.
So now I do have a little more information to report, in the form of this brief interview with Ben Witherington on Issues, Etc. His conclusion is that the tomb is probably that of Philip the Evangelist (of Acts 21) rather than Philip the Apostle. (Still a very interesting find!)
Witherington also discusses what he thinks is a much more significant find—the stone circles of Gobekli Tepe that I mentioned last week, which he says proves that man was religious since the beginning of civilization, in contradiction to the general secular understanding of how religion developed (listen for details). So that find will be shaking things up a bit.
[HT: Between Two Worlds]