Tolerance is a concept that has been so completely redefined, that it's very difficult to help people see the difference. A caller to the program recently, a non-Christian, asked why religious people can't be tolerant of secular people like secular people are to Christians. Now, what he meant by this wasn't classical tolerance - show respect for the individual whose ideas you disagree with. He was asking why Christians don't "live and let live" and try to persuade others with different convictions. Essentially, he was asking why Christians can't be moral and religious relativists, just like much of society.
Greg's uses "taking the roof off" tactic in the discussion, and hopefully the caller will continue to think about the discussion and see the difference between true tolerance and what he's asking about. Here's the clip from the program.
The caller was right in that Christians are intolerant of others. Rather than dealing with that fact in itself, Greg decided to try to flip the definition of "intolerance" on the caller.
In the interest of fairness, I think the caller was wrong about the definition of intolerance. Christians are intolerant and it is not intolerant to say that. That's like being accused of racism for calling out racists. Greg, you are intolerant and you should just have the integrity to admit it.
Posted by: Jim Johnson | December 02, 2012 at 03:22 PM
Jim, what is your definition of intolerance?
Apparently, Greg tried to change it and the caller has the wrong definition.
So, how would you define it?
Posted by: Lumbergh | December 03, 2012 at 01:22 PM