Ligonier, R.C. Sproul’s ministry, has some free online video series available. Here are three that will be helpful to you as an apologist (each of these has six lectures):
- The Mystery of the Trinity: “Many of us, when asked about the Trinity, unknowingly offer heretical answers. Yet a proper understanding of this doctrine is essential to the health and welfare of the church. In this series, Dr. R.C. Sproul gives a sweeping overview of this important doctrine, explaining difficult concepts, exploring biblical teaching, and defining what the term mystery means.”
- The Holiness of God: “The Holiness of God examines the meaning of holiness and why people are both fascinated and terrified by a holy God. This series closely explores God’s character, leading to new insights on sin, justice, and grace. The result is a new awareness of our dependence upon God’s mercy and a discovery of the awesomeness of His majestic holiness. Dr. R.C. Sproul says, ‘The holiness of God affects every aspect of our lives — economics, politics, athletics, romance — everything with which we are involved.’”
[Incidentally, I recommend Sproul’s book by that same name to apologists more often than any other book. I think it’s the key to a multitude of apologetics subjects.]
- The Cross of Christ: “In The Cross of Christ, Dr. Sproul discusses the saving work of the Son of God. Unfolding the drama of redemption revealed in the Old Testament, R.C. highlights humanity’s great need for salvation and communicates the way the Cross fulfills that need. And he explains the certainty of redemption for those whom God draws to the Cross. The Cross of Christ will increase your understanding of history’s pivotal event — and your ability to communicate that event’s crucial implications.”
There are many more teaching series, as well. Search the free ones, or browse them all. Each series has at least one free lecture.
On The Cross Of Christ:
God is Immutable Love. The Christian has it that He comes to us full of both Grace and Truth. It is Christ Who both raises all standards to unobtainable heights and deepens the ocean of Grace. We ask of Him, “Which is it?” His answer: Both. It is Christ Who both widens the Rod of Love to distances too far for us to reach and spreads Love yet wider, yet deeper, yet higher. As He enlarges the exclusion, He expands the inclusion. We ask of Him, “Which is it?” His answer: Both. It is Immutable Love whereby all hope is destroyed, and, it is Immutable Love whereby all hope is restored. The name for this entire arena is this: Grace. The Pharisees point to Divorce and declare it God’s plan while Christ points us to the beginning – to E Pluribus Unum – and calls that God’s plan. What then of our fragmentations within sin? The Immutable God answers: I pour Myself out for, and into, you – My beloved. His Immutable Nature is itself both the unyielding grain whereby our hands are filled with splinters and the unrelenting abolition whereby we are mended. He makes of Himself both our all-sufficient Means and He makes of Himself our Ends – our final Good. It is Christ, Grace and Truth Himself, Who both amplifies the exclusion and upsurges the inclusion. None of us are fully comfortable in this tension of both/and, this tension of Grace/Truth. It seems we hate either the Truth or the Grace. It seems we favor either the Truth or the Grace. In Christ God manifests within Time to the bitter ends of Physicality and therein comes to us “…..full of Grace and Truth…..” as no other can – all vectors wholly full – and therein the seamless epistemological-ontological Exemplar Himself writes in Word’s Corporeal that which just is the ceaseless grammar of an immutable and timeless language. His Pen is Himself and high atop His Hill He spreads His arms wide and He pours Himself out for All-Men – whom He calls “My beloved” – and thereby He pens exactly what He thinks of us – permanently. He is the Pen whereby we are all found condemned. He is the Pen whereby we are all found ransomed. He is the Pen whereby we are all granted our all-sufficient Means. He is the Pen whereby we are all granted our Ends – our final felicity – which is Himself. His Pen is Himself – He is that Pen – our Means, our Ends, our all in all.
Posted by: scblhrm | July 13, 2014 at 12:31 PM
Great to see links to Ligonier on STR. Great wonderful ministry by RC Sproul. Keep up the great work STR!!
Posted by: John | July 14, 2014 at 12:24 PM