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March 20, 2015


I think that sounds like a wunderbar idea!

Glad to hear you're on board, Sam!

...Or were you talking about the "Stand to Readin'" part?

Great idea! I've already read through the book, but would love to participate in the discussion.

Oh, this is so exciting! I happened to have a little extra money so I ordered it. (Drat, I missed the 15% discount.) It should arrive by the time this starts!

I was so excited when I listened to the podcast because I adored 'Total Truth' and I had no idea she had written a new book!

Mo, I've been looking forward to reading this book for a long time! Thanks for joining us!

...Or were you talking about the "Stand to Readin'" part?

That, too! :-)

Got it yesterday and read the forward. See you on the 3rd!

Meanwhile I'll be here like

I've been an observer/learner of STR for a long time now. It will be interesting to get involved in this endeavor and the book sound's very thought provoking.

Great thing, the bookclub! I am looking forward to it. Must say that I like to learn about apologetics a lot, but find it very difficult to grasp. Hope we can learn a lot together.

About the coming together on Friday: is it possible to leave comments after that Friday? I am living in a very different time zone (Netherlands) and that might unfortunately cause some problems.

What a grand idea - I'll do my best to participate...

What time? Do we need to sign up? How will it work ?

+1 for Stand to Readin'. Easily the coolest book club name I've heard.

I'll be there. Have read all her previous books, and have even taught Total Truth!

André, yes! The comments will remain open, so you can comment later if you like.

Martine, I'll post something about the chapter each Friday, then everyone can talk about it that day (or later) in the comments section. No need to sign up. Just show up, read, and comment!

I've gotten it for review so will need to read it faster to get my review submitted, but would be great to discuss with others.

Love it! Got my copy and am pushing it with all my friends. I am also considering using it as the basis for my Wednesday night lessons with my youth group.

Wow, super excited about this idea! I didn't realize it was happening until today. I will be tagging along on this one but definitely hope you continue it.

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