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December 23, 2015


I'm wondering if the str asks audio could be released. I'm finding myself increasingly bypassing Greg's monologues because they just go on and on. Also, when a caller is spoken with, almost 10 minutes is talking about where they live if Greg has been there and what is done. Then Greg takes, I guess, what he reads of the callers question and comments on it for a few minutes and it isn't really what the caller wants to talk about. I cut out nearly 40 minutes of rambling meaningless jibber jabber. Get to the question and answer it, follow up, and move to another caller.

I'm wondering, is this the correct link to the Nativity? This one has a relatively low IMDB ranking (6.7), where as The Nativity has a 7.7 ranking. Just making sure this is the right one, thanks!

And if it is the right one, Greg did say these are relatively unknown actors, but not so much true since Oscar Issac (Joseph) has a pretty major role in the new Star Wars movie (Poe). And, Mary had a notable role in another Star Wars movie (Queen of Naboo). Just some fun facts :)

I think the other one you're looking at was a TV miniseries, and I'm pretty sure he was talking about the recent movie, but I'll double check.

I've confirmed that's the correct one. :-)

Steve, all of the #STRask audio is available on our website or through iTunes (or any podcaster). See the link in the post above or here to subscribe.

Star asks may not be available via other podcast programs (downcast, pocket casts)

Steve, you shouldn't have a problem subscribing to the podcast using any podcast program. Use this URL to subscribe:

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